Selected Tag: purpose

May 10, 2023

Will Technology Ever Replace Storytellers? Interview with Julian Mills, Senior Digital Tech Leader

A tidal wave of new tech is here. Advice from Julian Mills? “Never, ever, ever get comfortable. Because something’s going to change. And you don’t know what that will be.”
March 21, 2023

There is No Checklist for Black History Month: Interview with Sharlyn Carrington

Livewire’s Pierrette Masimango interviews Sharlyn Carrington, an award-winning communications strategist, to share thoughts on representation and racial equity, grounded in their lived experiences as Black communicators.
November 17, 2022

Your Brand Is Your Promise: Interview with David Kincaid, Author of The Brand-Driven CEO and Founder of Level5 Strategy

Tap into your brand promise and find a way to communicate it to your people. Then you’ll see its magic work.
August 24, 2022
Two illustrated figures reach out to hold one another over an office desk; one is hunched over with a low battery icon and the other reaches with an electric plug to charge them.

Communicating for Engagement Against Rising Burnout

Balancing periods of high energy and rest with communication.
August 10, 2022
Headshot of Judy Corupe.

Communication Starts With Pain: Interview with Judy Corupe, VP of Creative at Livewire

Embracing audiences’ pain to create authentic communication.
August 2, 2022
"Leading Change" illustration by Chris Fraser. A knitted square with a binocular graphic sits in the center of a black-and-white fabric. The words Opportunity, Visibility, Leadership, and Line-of-Sight sit on each site of the border.

Leading Change With Inspiring Communication

Crossing the unknown by telling stories of possibility.
June 21, 2022
"Communications is Essential" illustration by Judy Corupe. A group sits warmly around a campfire at night.

Communication Is Essential for the Human Spirit

Communication is essential to our individual resilience and hope and to the greater strength of our communities.
October 5, 2021

Getting employees onboard with Purpose: A discussion with Ron Tite, author of Think, Do, Say

When it comes to earning trust with customers and engagement with employees, your credibility is everything.
August 10, 2021

Into the Future of Work: A conversation with Mona Malone, CHRO and Head of People and Culture, BMO Financial Group

Explore the opportunities to transform employee experience that emerge when a Purpose-led organization meets major disruption.